2019 INTERVIEW TIPS #3: Tips on How to Perform Your Best at an Interview

You’ve been preparing for days, and sometimes weeks, leading up to your interview and it’s finally here.  Remember, you’ve done all that you can to prepare for this day, now it’s time to leave a lasting impression on your interviewers!


Here are a few tips to help you perform your best at an interview:


1) Showing Up on Time

It is very important that you arrive on time.  What that means is to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled interview time.  This allows you to sign in, and possibly fill out any information sheets or questionnaires that they may have for you.  By arriving on time, it also shows that you appreciate the opportunity that they have given you to interview.  Furthermore, your interviewers have busy schedules and have set aside time to meet with you.  If you arrive late, there may not be enough time to meet with you properly as your interviewers may have other meetings they must attend.


2) Treat Everyone with Respect and Be Professional

This really should go without saying.  You should always treat people that you meet with respect no matter where you are and who they are.  This is especially true when you go for an interview because anybody you meet on the day of your interview could potentially become your peers or your boss.  Furthermore, the impressions that you leave can also affect how you are evaluated overall as a potential candidate.


3) Be Authentic and be Yourself

Many times, people go into an interview thinking they know what an Employer is looking for in an employee and try to become something that they’re not.  Do not make this mistake and just be yourself.  You’re most comfortable when you are yourself and you can perform the best in that state.  Companies are trying to find unique individuals who have something special to bring to the team.


4) Be Truthful

There’s nothing worst than being called out on a lie during an interview and it should never be done.  When you start lying in an interview, it may catch up with you at a later point in the interview when you contradict yourself.  Furthermore, interviewers meet with many people and after awhile, they can tell when someone is truthful and when they’re not.  One small lie can cost you the opportunity of a lifetime.


5) Tell Them Why You’re a Great Fit

Never assume that Employers will recognize that you’re the exact match to what they’re looking for.  Take the opportunity in the interview to explain all relevant skills, experiences, and qualifications, and explain to the interviewers why you believe you are a great fit for the position and their company.  You also want to highlight any relevant achievements and accomplishments that can further your case.  Remember, no one knows you better than yourself.


6) Show Your Interest and Enthusiasm

While the company is trying to evaluate your skills and experience during the interview, they are also looking to see just how interested you really are in joining their team and taking on the role that they have available.  Be sure to express your interest in the position, and to become part of their team.  It is just as important for Employers to find people who wants to work for their team.


7) Be Confident

You know that you’re the best person for the job.  Now, make sure your interviewers know this as well.  You want to be confident in the interview as that will carry in your responses and how you appear.  Never second guess yourself when answering questions and be confident about your responses even if you’re unsure about it.


8) Ask About Next Steps and Follow Up

Never leave things hanging.  Before the interview ends, remember to ask your interviewers what to expect next and when would be an appropriate time to follow up with them.  This not only reinforces and shows your interest, but it also gives you some indication how the process will go.  Once you’ve collected the information, make sure you follow their advice on when to follow up as it will show that you listen and follow simple instructions.


Follow these tips and show the best you in the interview to get that next dream job of yours!


Contact us today to speak with one of our Recruitment Specialists and let us help you find new opportunities for the next step in your career!

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